BZFlag Server GUI TODO list (format: TODO: description [assigned to]) * TODO: Installer stuff [SGI?]: System file upgrading rather than leaving * TODO: *nix- and OSX-compatible version (GNUStep/Cocoa) [Needs its own TODO now] * TODO: 1.9/1.10 switches Mostly done, what we have left is: -vars -vote* and -veto* * TODO: Admin tab: User and Group management [read/write userdb, passdb, groupdb] /report file management Move /help message file here and let users add more than one (e.g. /help server, /help admin, /help me) Move -badwords list to here Some 1.9/1.10 stuff should be here too * TODO: implement saving and loading of flag codes (+f *, -f *) to .CONF files * TODO: add context-sensitive help (with all that implies!) * TODO: fix so it can be compiled on VB.NET, maybe. SSTab is unrecognized/doesn't exist. Options? UpDown control has been replaced by NumericUpDown control Array LBounds must be 0 API calls can't use "As Any" Control Move/Resize operations...twips->pixels * TODO: check generated script files - do they work on all platforms? Specifically need these checked: OSes: linux? BSD? Irix? Other unices (whatever BZFlag will run on!)? MacOSX? Shells: bash? csh? ksh? tcsh? others?